“LicenseFortress, the only provider of a 100% guaranteed Oracle software license compliance solution, launched another industry first: The addition of specialized legal advisors to its licensing and technology teams with the goal of preventing costly license violations and legal disputes with software vendors.”
We are very excited to collaborate with LicenseFortress in a webinar this Thursday, September 10, 2020, in conjunction with LES. We will provide context for the coming wave of software audits and explain how companies can best protect their assets.
As we approach the 5-year anniversary of Mars v. Oracle, we will be sharing our contemporary and in-depth insights regarding the lingering importance of that seminal matter. In the interim, please enjoy an article that we wrote in 2017 that is still as relevant today as it was the day we wrote it.
As the five-year anniversary of the date on which we filed the complaint approaches, we can’t help but reflect on the past while also looking into the future and ask: Why does Mars v. Oracle still matter?
We are thrilled to share some recent favorable coverage by various publications in the legal industry who have taken notice of our new “GigLaw” model as it coincides with the extraordinary circumstances surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic.
Companies should assume that software vendors will have a laser focus on aspects of noncompliance related to remote workplaces due to Covid-19. After struggling to win new business during the pandemic, software vendors will be on the lookout for ways to ‘exercise their audit rights’ and expand their revenue streams. Now is the time to prepare for inevitable software licensing audits.
After the retrospective in Part I of “The Road from BigLaw to GigLaw,” we now look into the future of our industry. Specifically, we consider the progressive delivery models that the consumers of legal services have worked for years to put in place and which we believe will be firmly entrenched in the post-Covid-19 economy.
Part I of The Road to GigLaw in 10 Steps covers the history of law firms and the market phenomenon that led to the creation of a GigLaw practice at Beeman & Muchmore, LLP.