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We Teamed Up with LicenseFortress on an ITAM Podcast

At the end of last month, we had the distinct pleasure of participating in Podcast Episode 95: Oracle Update – Litigation, TikTok, JEDI, and more hosted by AJ Witt from The ITAM Review and joined by our colleagues at LicenseFortressDean Bolton and Michael Corey.

As expected, AJ was a consummate host and our ever-knowledgeable friends from LicenseFortress helped make our discussion a truly fun and informative experience. We began with our tried and true favorite topics related to Oracle licensing then moved further out to cover some of the recent geopolitical issues surrounding Oracle’s litigation portfolio and its peculiar recent foray into social media.

This podcast couldn't be more timely for the Oracle licensee.  As the world collectively awaits the next round of rulings in the Sunrise Firefighters securities litigation and the Google vs Oracle copyright dispute (which is now before the Supreme Court), Oracle continues to pitch and pivot its strategy, making it increasingly difficult to forge a stable licensing plan. We hope our podcast will prove entertaining and instructive in navigating these uncertain waters.

Published on 10/6/2020

Software licensors are known for vague contracts—they’ve made a business of it. 

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