Fee Arrangements

We partner with our clients and put in place fee arrangements that makes sense for the client and the matter.

Fee Arrangements

Each client is unique. So are the matters they bring to us for counseling. That’s why we designed Beeman & Muchmore to partner with our clients and put in place fee arrangements that makes sense for the client and the matter.

Our extensive experience and unrivaled microspecialty allow us to bypass the wasteful steep learning curves intrinsic to general practice law firms. Thanks to our scaled down and efficient firm model, our clients pay only for the services they receive, protected from the undisclosed costs and expenses BigLaw firms pass through to their clients.

This unique value proposition provides us with the luxury of viewing each client engagement as an ongoing partnership. Before coming to terms on a fee arrangement, we sit down with the client and identify the value-added which Beeman & Muchmore brings and jointly select the appropriate fee arrangement that assures a fit between the client and our law firm. 

As a testament to our flexibility, the following are a few examples of fee arrangements we have put in place with clients:

Fee Caps

Hourly billings capped at an agreed upon maximum for a given case, project, or service.

Fixed Fee Menus

Set pricing provided on a variety of different services.

Subscription Services

Unlimited services made available for a fixed monthly or yearly price.

Prepaid Hours

Purchase of a block of prepaid attorney hours at a substantial discount.

Progressive Discounts Based on Volume

Graduated volume discounts provided in order to incentivize clients to feel comfortable relying upon our services as much as necessary.

Holdbacks/Success Fees

Predetermined payment guaranteed to our firm with the balance contingent on our success in achieving the desired outcome for our clients.

Risk Collars

Hourly billing arrangement that rewards efficiency, with a bonus provided to our firm if the work is completed under budget and a discount to our clients if the work goes over budget.

Straight Billable Hours

And, of course, many of our clients still prefer the traditional billable hour. Our commitment to transparency and the avoidance of hidden fees ensures that hourly billings are free from risk.

We can help with all types of licensing issues.

We provide the crucial context for your issue and leverage our experience to help you avoid a dispute.


Installation in a virtualized and/or third party cloud environment

Inadvertent installation of unwanted software

Application of Oracle’s Java licensing terms

Deciphering technical support requirements —e.g. matching support streams

Decommissioning servers and/or deplatforming software

Ongoing handling of shelved and/or migrated licenses