Part I: Oracle & TikTok: What is Oracle Up to and What Does It Mean for Its Licensees?

While Oracle has made no secret of the fact that it has been currying favor with the current administration since the 2016 election, it takes some digging to understand why Oracle chose to cash in its new political capital in order to obtain quasi-control over a social media site with an overwhelmingly teenage base.
LicenseFortress Raises the Bar in Oracle Software License Compliance with the Addition of Experienced Legal Counsel Beeman & Muchmore, LLP

Now included in the LicenseFortress Premier subscription – at no additional cost – Beeman & Muchmore will provide legal counseling regarding how companies can deploy their technology to best avoid license violations.
Mars vs Oracle: The Grave Responsibility of the Power to Terminate

For our first post digging deeper into the public record of Mars vs Oracle, we discuss Oracle’s contractual right to unilaterally terminate software licenses.
The Road from BigLaw to GigLaw: Pt. II

After the retrospective in Part I of “The Road from BigLaw to GigLaw,” we now look into the future of our industry. Specifically, we consider the progressive delivery models that the consumers of legal services have worked for years to put in place and which we believe will be firmly entrenched in the post-Covid-19 economy.
The Road from BigLaw to GigLaw: Part I

Part I of The Road to GigLaw in 10 Steps covers the history of law firms and the market phenomenon that led to the creation of a GigLaw practice at Beeman & Muchmore, LLP.
Beeman & Muchmore Bring Software Licensing to Giglaw

“GigLaw” is a platform to deliver the exemplary legal services of BigLaw—in our case, Oracle and other software licensing and auditing services.
A New Law Firm for a New World

Founded in 2020 by Arthur S. Beeman and Joel Muchmore, Beeman & Muchmore, LLP is a new law firm primarily dedicated to providing software licensing and auditing counseling to the new world.
10 Things Every Oracle (and Other Software) Licensee Should Do to Prepare for the Inevitable Audit

While there is no substitute for tailored legal advice, every software licensee— Oracle or otherwise—should at least consider the following ten tips: five for pre-audit preparation (which your company should consider well in advance of the audit) and five for handling the audit itself.
10 Things In-House Counsel Should Consider Regarding ERP Installations

While every installation follows a different path, savvy in-house counsel of every company should bear in mind the following ten preventative and remedial considerations: five with regard to pre-installation preparation and five with regard to an installation that appears to be failing fast.
Revlon ERP/Securities Class Action: How Troubled ERP Installations Can Give Rise to Alleged Securities Violations

In the wake of a recent class action filing against Revlon, Inc., companies should also be aware of potential legal action under the securities laws from troubled ERP installations.