Oracle Litigation Update: River Supply Inc. v. Oracle

We discuss a recently filed complaint against Oracle by River Supply, Inc. and make comparisons to past Oracle litigation.
Oracle Litigation Update: Privacy Matters

We give our latest update regarding alleged Oracle privacy overreach which resulted in a class action complaint against Oracle.
Celebrating Three Years of Success

Celebrating three years, Beeman & Muchmore remains committed to its core values of efficiency, agility and client-centricity.
Beeman & Muchmore Featured in Law360 Article

That we have captured the attention of Law360 demonstrates the extent to which our innovative law firm is reverberating in the market.
Oracle’s Fiscal Year Closes at the End of May: Do You Know the Status of Your Oracle Negotiations?

As Oracle’s fiscal year end approaches, we share about the benefits of fourth quarter Oracle negotiations.
Right in Our Backyard: The Crash of Silicon Valley Bank and What it May Mean for ERP Licensees

We have followed the Silicon Valley Bank story and know to train a keen eye toward the potential knock-on effects for our ERP clients.
Licensing Java – It Just Got Worse

Oracle launched a new metric for licensing Java, and we give the (very costly) details.
Rimini Street v. Oracle: “Re-Use” of “Know-How” May Be on Trial

We have our fingers crossed that Judge Du will demonstrate the same common sense that was demonstrated in September of 2020 and slap down Oracle’s vast overreach.
Report Concerning NASA’s Software Deployments Reveals Agency Grounded by Fear of An Oracle Audit

When the stars foretold a possible audit by Oracle of its software deployments, NASA failed to achieve liftoff, thereby wasting millions of taxpayer dollars.
Software Companies We Pegged as ‘Software License Trolls’ Sell for Huge Profits

We offer the latest news on the ‘software license troll’, a chilling market phenomenon we have been monitoring since our June 2020 launch.