For years we have worked closely with Art and Joel representing licensees in vendor software audits and disputes. Time and time again, they have demonstrated their skill in providing clients with aggressive defense positioning while deftly avoiding
contentious litigation.
Art and Joel were both recipients of the 2014 Marc L. Fleischaker Pro Bono Award for
Outstanding Contributions to the Public Interest, for work related to the protection and preservation of early 20th Century American art.
Heard about Mars v. Oracle? Explore Oracle Audits with Experts, Attorneys. Presented by Art Beeman, Joel Muchmore, and Nathan Biggs at VMworld San Francisco Top 10 VMworld 2019 session to consider
“Art and Joel are fierce advocates with an unwavering commitment to their clients. They helped to navigate my company through a multitude of complex and seemingly intractable problems related to contractual rights and obligations. They take the time to learn not just the legal issues, but also the client’s objectives and aspirations.”
Biglaw veterans Arthur S. Beeman and Joel T. Muchmore launched a boutique devoted to counseling and litigation related to software licensing. The partners have years of experience handling high-profile litigation in this practice, leading a litigation team for Mars Inc. against software licensing giant Oracle corporation.
Virtual law firms have become popular in the 2000s, but the formation of Beeman Muchmore this week feels like something new: a virtual firm combined with a microspecialty intellectual property practice. In this case it’s resolving licensing disputes over enterprise resource planning software.