AI and ERP in the Future: Expect A Transformative Shift in Business Operations (Part 4 of a 4-Part Series)

AI-driven ERP systems are the wave of the future, and we give insights so that companies can attempt to stay ahead of the technology.
AI and ERP: Balancing Innovation with Data Privacy Concerns (Part 3 of a 4-Part Series)

Data privacy represents potentially significant legal liability for your business, and we can help you navigate this critical challenge.
AI and ERP: How Artificial Intelligence Finds a Place at the Table in Commercial Transactions (Part 2 of a 4-Part Series)

In Part 2 of our blog series on AI & ERP technology, we explore the financial and legal perils triggered by AI which put your business at risk.
Preparing for Oracle’s EOFY Webinar Series Part 1: Internal Audit and Data Gathering

Please join us on Friday, December 6, 2024, for an important (and free) webinar with LicenseFortress!
Apryse and iText: The Latest Software Licensing Trolls

Software licensing trolls have a new recruit. The latest to join the stealth and notorious ranks is Apryse, formerly PDFTron.
Oracle’s Unfair Java Licensing Practices: The Coalition for Fair Software Licensing Posts Part Three of Our Three-Part Blog Series

In Part Three of a three-part blog post for the Coalition for Fair Software Licensing, we touch on more unfair Java licensing practices.
AI and ERP: Keeping the Doors to Your Business Open (Part 1 of a 4-Part Series)

Intellectual property risks abound when it comes to using AI and ERP software and require strict due diligence to avert harm to your business.
River Supply v. Oracle: The Campsite is Left in Ruins

We strongly lean towards being litigation adverse when interfacing with Oracle.
How Oracle Unfairly Licenses Java in the Cloud: The Coalition for Fair Software Licensing Posts the Second Part of Our Three-Part Blog Series

In our post on unfair Java licensing practices, we encourage users to get into the mindset of “cloud computing” when navigating the pitfalls of software licensing in the Cloud.
Oracle’s Unfair Java Licensing Practices: The Coalition for Fair Software Licensing Posts Part One of Our Three-Part Blog Series

We had the privilege of writing a blog post for the Coalition for Fair Software Licensing on licensing Oracle Java.