knowledge & insights

How Oracle Unfairly Licenses Java in the Cloud: The Coalition for Fair Software Licensing Posts the Second Part of Our Three-Part Blog Series

This past week we had the privilege of writing yet another blog post for the Coalition for Fair Software Licensing on licensing Oracle Java. Titled Shining a Light on Oracle’s Unfair Java Licensing Practices, this is the second of a series of three blog posts dedicated to scrutinizing Java licensing terms in accordance with CFSL's nine Principles for Fair Software Licensing. For our second post, we focus on the four CFSL principles that address software licensing in a cloud environment.

Through this post, the previous post, and the next, we aim to aid Oracle Java users in advocating for clarity and fairness rather than depending on mere chance. (You can refer, as well, to our past posts about unfair Java licensing practices hereherehere and here.)

Since its inception, CFSL has championed the "Principles of Fair Software Licensing" – nine protocols designed to assure fair play and competition in software licensing. With these guidelines in mind, we stay true to our mission of keeping our clients and colleagues informed of the twists and turns in navigating software licensing while also drawing attention to the insightful protocols developed by our friends at CFSL.

Published on June 21, 2024

Software licensors are known for vague contracts—they’ve made a business of it. 

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