Guest Blog Post: Why You Should Plan for Oracle’s End-of-Fiscal-Year Now

At the end of 2020, as the Christmas season was approaching, Lena Weiner of LicenseFortress posted the following wise words regarding preparing for Oracle’s end-of-fiscal-year. In cooperation with our partners and friends at LicenseFortress, we are reposting the sage wisdom here, with an easy quarter to go before Oracle’s fiscal year-end.
Law360 Publishes Beeman & Muchmore Article: “What the Oracle-TikTok Saga Means for Oracle Licensees”

We are delighted to share news that on January 20th, 2021, Law360 published a consolidation of several of our blog posts in an article titled “What the Oracle-TikTok Saga Means for Oracle Licensees”. We have admired the efforts of Law360 for decades and are honored to, once again, have our efforts associated with that institutional publication.